Manipura - Solar Plexus Chakra


Colour: Yellow

PositionIt is located at the navel

Responsible: Energy Power house, Self Esteem and strength

Manipura is made up of two Sanskrit words: "Mani", which means Jewel and "Pura", which means Place/City.

The Manipura Chakra includes numerous priceless jewels, such as clarity, self-confidence, joy, self-assurance, knowledge, wisdom, and the capacity to make sound judgments.

It is also called as the Fire or Sun Centre because Fire is the associated element. The Solar Plexus is where the fire element appears in the body as heat. The centre of vitality is the Manipura Chakra. In order to support and stabilise our health, it regulates the equilibrium of our energy. The "Prana" from the Cosmos (universe) is drawn to this Chakra like a magnet.

This Chakra controls the operation of the Pancreas and other digestive organs as the source of the digestive fire. Numerous health issues, including digestive issues, circulatory conditions, diabetes, and changes in blood pressure, can be brought on by blockages in this center. But a healthy and functioning Manipura Chakra considerably promotes wellbeing and helps us beat many illnesses. When this Chakra's energy is flowing freely, the effect is similar to that of a power plant, providing energy continuously while giving balance and strength.

Imbalance in Chakra

Physical indications

Digestive problems can arise when the navel chakra is out of alignment. This misalignment can manifest in the physical body in a variety of ways, including:

  • Nutrient misprocessing
  • Constipation
  • Irritable bowl syndrome
  • Eating disorders
  • Ulcers
  • Diabetes Pancreas Problems
  • Liver disease
  • Colon diseases

Mental indications

Develop an openness to learning more about how you perceive power, individuality, and identification as you work with the navel chakra. 
Do you ever feel helpless in certain aspects of your life? 
How does this show up? 
Some of the followings are possible symptoms of a blocked navel chakra:

  • Having trouble expressing oneself creatively
  • Unreasonably aggressive, rigid, or controlling behaviour
  • Easily angered
  • Mentality of a victim
  • Neediness
  • Without direction
  • fearful or lacking in bravery
  • negative self-esteem
  • a sense of inertia or stagnation

How to Balance Chakra

In order to successfully plan and achieve success, the Solar Plexus Chakra needs to be in balance. A person can become a better leader and live an inspiring life by clearing and opening this chakra.

Reiterate empowering statements about your own strength. Affirmations help us change unproductive thought patterns into positive ones by repeating them aloud, silently in our heads, or on paper. Repeat affirmations like these to create the desired outcome.


Yoga asanas that expand and align Manipura include...

Paschimottanasana | Seated Forward Bend

This asana is extremely beneficial to the digestive system. The improved blood circulation causes this stimulation, which restores the best functional capacity to the liver, spleen, pancreas, and intestines. As a result, practicing Paschimottanasana improves digestion and prevents constipation. By activating the Manipura Chakra, the body becomes more efficient at absorbing nutrients.

Dhanurasana | Bow Pose

This back-bending asana generates a massive amount of intra-abdominal massage to the digestive system's various organs, particularly the liver and pancreas. This pose stimulates the solar plexus, which aids digestion and the effective elimination of wastes and toxins from the body. The extension of the neck stimulates the thyroid glands, causing healthy hormone secretions and improving metabolism for optimal body weight management.

Ardha Matsyendrasana | Half Spinal Twist

This gentle twisting pose stimulates the digestive system, liver, and gall bladder, enhancing detoxification and digestion.


Chanting or toning sounds, similar to how music brings people together, can also help you reclaim your equilibrium. Sounds cause vibrations in the body, which assist the cells in cooperating in synchronistic harmony. RAM is the sound of the mantra that relates to the Sacral chakra. You can practice this sound as shown in below link
Click Here 👉 RAM Sound For Healing


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