Svadhisthana- Sacral chakra

Colour: Orange

Position: Between genital and naval

ResponsibleFeelings of creativity, playfulness, and sensual and sexual pleasure

Svadhisthana is made up of two Sanskrit words: "Swa", which means Self and "adhishthana", which means established.

The sacral chakra is in charge of the water element within you, as well as everything which are related to fluid. Fun, freedom, creativity, flexibility, sex, pleasure, and money are all related to this energy center. Some say it's the seat of our emotions, which I've found to be true, while others say it's the heart.

The reproductive organs, bladder, kidneys, adrenals, and lower back are all connected to the sacral chakra.

When the svadhisthana chakra is balanced, you can feel free to express yourself creatively and sexually, allowing you to play and enjoy pleasure in a healthy manner. Respecting and caring for your body's needs.

Allowing money to flow freely to and from you. Being flexible in changing environments and not holding onto what you thought before. Exploring your sexual and creative boundaries without feeling guilty about it. Flexibility and playfulness, as well as self-worth.

Imbalance in Chakra

Stress can affect all layers of the body (physical, mental, emotional, and energetic) causing you to slow down, stagnate, or go into overdrive.

When you were a teenager, you may have experienced a very unpleasant sexual experience that left you feeling emotionally and/or psychologically drained. It may still have an impact on your life to some degree.

Emotions can sometimes get stuck in our system on a vibrational level. 

Knowing your body and its layers, and understanding the chakras can provide you with valuable insight into where you have imbalances and stagnation. 

How to Balance Chakra

The second chakra can also be balanced by honoring and respecting your body while maintaining a healthy sexual life.
Consider whether there are any emotions you are holding onto. Commit to letting those emotions go.

  • I deserve to experience pleasure and have my needs met.
  • I feel safe to express my sexual self in fun, creative, and healthy ways.
  • I attract relationships with loving, good people who will support me.
  • I embrace change and make the best of my future.
  • Every day, I experience more joy and satisfaction.
  • I flow with inspiration and creativity.
  • My body is vibrant, and I am comfortable inside it.

The "Ida Nadi" breathing method will help you to open up the second chakra by bringing forth lunar energy. Close your right nostril with the first two fingers of your right hand, and breathe in and out only through the left nostril, only for 8 to 10 breaths.

Meditation focused on the second chakra can improve personal magnetism, refine behavior, and prevent disease.


Yoga asanas that expand and align Svadhisthana include...

Bhujangasana (cobra pose): Your feet should be flat on the floor as you lie on your stomach. While keeping your naval on the floor, place your hands under your shoulders and slowly lift your head, chest, and abdomen. The pubic bone should be pressed down toward the mat.

Baddha konasana (butterfly pose) with forward fold: Sit with your feet together in a seated position.Let your knees drop to the sides and bring your heels in close to your pelvis. Fold forward and lengthen the torso.

Seated pelvic circles: Sit in cross-legged or half-lotus pose with hands on knees and make circles with your torso. Go around in one direction five or six times, then switch directions.


Chanting or toning sounds, similar to how music brings people together, can also help you reclaim your equilibrium. Sounds cause vibrations in the body, which assist the cells in cooperating in synchronistic harmony. VAM is the sound of the mantra that relates to the Sacral chakra. You can practice this sound as shown in below link


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