What Are the Chakras?
Illustration of Body Chakras and its position |
In Hinduism, Buddhism and many other Eastern religions, the chakra is said to be an energy point or vortex in the body. There are seven major chakras, each one corresponding to a different area of life. The idea is that if any of these chakras are out of balance then it will have a negative impact on your day-to-day life.
If you’ve ever taken a yoga or meditation class, you’ve probably heard of the chakras. The question is often asked: what exactly are they, and how can you keep them in balance?
In Sanskrit, the language of yoga, chakra means “wheel.” In Hindu mythology the universe is said to be a giant wheel. It rotates and moves in cycles, like everything else in nature. Even though we are not conscious of it, our thoughts and feelings are also part of this cycle.
We live in a universe pushed by electromagnetic energy and represented by its laws. All life structures inside the universe mirror this. Our stars and planets (geo-attractive lifeforms) all have a north pole and a south pole with attractive lines of power streaming between them. Our human bodies (bio attractive living things) likewise adjust to this bipolar attractive field, with the highest point of our head mirroring our north pole and the bottoms of our feet going about as our south pole. In a third dimensional portrayal, these lines of power, moving between our head and feet totally envelop the body inside an etheric structure known as a tube torus. Envision this doughnut molded lively field expanding all around your body. It is called your aura.
Have you seen that when meeting someone else interestingly you might be instinctually attracted to them? This could be proof that both of your auras are vibrating in receptive amplification.
The old popular saying, We're on a similar frequency, holds more truth than we have believed.
A similar would be valid when the presence of another causes you to feel uncomfortable or awkward. Maybe the attractive energies in your atmospheres are repulsing one another. At the focal point of every bi-polar attractive field is an attractive center running from north to south. It is a magnetised piece of metal in the case of a simple bar magnet. In the case of the bio-magnetic human body, it is a channel known as the pranic tube, which is only visible in subtle matter. The life energy is carried within this core to sustain each unique creature during its existence.
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