Position: located at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae.

Responsible: Stability, Grounding, Identity and sense of security and protection.
Muladhara is made up of two Sanskrit words: Mula, which means "root," and Adhara, which means "base".

The root chakra connects you to the physical world and is the base upon which your personality is built and evolved. This chakra roots us here on Earth in the same way that an earthling is given with a copper wire so that it can channelize the energy to safer way . You will have greater vigour, boldness, and self-confidence if this chakra is balanced and operating correctly.

Imbalance in Chakra

Root Chakra Imbalance leads to Anxiety problems, worries, and nightmares.

Physical imbalances might show as difficulties with the colon, bladder, elimination, or lower back, leg, or foot problems. Prostate issues can develop in males. Eating problems might also indicate a root chakra imbalance.

How to Balance Chakra

Smell is the sense organ associated with the first chakra. Focus on the tip of your nose while meditating to assist align the root chakra and bring forth the characteristics you need to balance it.


Yoga asanas that expand and align Muladhara include...

Knee to chest position : Pavanamuktasana (पवनमुक्तासन )
Head to knee : Janu Sirsansana Padmasana (lotus flexion) (जानुशीर्षासन)
Squatting posture :Malasana (मलासन)


Chanting or toning sounds, similar to how music brings people together, can also help you reclaim your equilibrium. Sounds cause vibrations in the body, which assist the cells in cooperating in synchronistic harmony. LAM is the sound of the mantra that relates to the root chakra. You can practice this sound as shown in below link


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